Jack Learns to Code

How to Start a Blog in 2025 via Vercel and Sanity

jack blog
Jack Learns to Code
Jack Learns to Code

What is a Blog?

Google it.

Why should I write a Blog?

There's benefits behind it, more than you can imagine.

How to start a Blog, in 2025?

You can build one if you have basic coding skills.

Or if you are interested.

Why am I writing this post?

Actually I am updating this topic every year,

because there're new technologies every year.

I will update my blog site constantly so that

It would be easier for me to write down new ideas, or anything I want to.

Ok, let's kick start 2025 with this new blog post!

After some research, I found it would be similar to 2024.

I will still use vercel to host the frontend, since it's free.

With code hosted in github and posts in sanity.io which is new.

Another thing I upgraded this year is the domain.

199 RMB for 10 years from alicloud, pretty good offer.

jacklearn.tech, let's go!

Here're some general steps!

  1. Sign up vercel account using your github account or email account
  2. Start a new project using template blog-next-sanity (provided by vercel), and make sure not to use blog-nextjs-sanity (provided by sanity) since there're some issues in it
  3. Config new domain in vercel
  4. Add CORS in sanity platformStart writing!
  5. That's it! Without writing single line of codes!
  6. Start blogging!