How to Start a Blog in 2025 via Vercel and Sanity

Jack Learns to Code

Jack Learns to Code
What is a Blog?
Google it.
Why should I write a Blog?
There's benefits behind it, more than you can imagine.
How to start a Blog, in 2025?
You can build one if you have basic coding skills.
Or if you are interested.
Why am I writing this post?
Actually I am updating this topic every year,
because there're new technologies every year.
I will update my blog site constantly so that
It would be easier for me to write down new ideas, or anything I want to.
Ok, let's kick start 2025 with this new blog post!
After some research, I found it would be similar to 2024.
I will still use vercel to host the frontend, since it's free.
With code hosted in github and posts in which is new.
Another thing I upgraded this year is the domain.
199 RMB for 10 years from alicloud, pretty good offer., let's go!
Here're some general steps!
- Sign up vercel account using your github account or email account
- Start a new project using template blog-next-sanity (provided by vercel), and make sure not to use blog-nextjs-sanity (provided by sanity) since there're some issues in it
- Config new domain in vercel
- Add CORS in sanity platformStart writing!
- That's it! Without writing single line of codes!
- Start blogging!